Some apps are definitely more useful than others. If you ever have to produce digital content for a company, not-for-profit body or just for yourself, you may be interested in hearing more about the flip book app produced by webpublication. Designed to facilitate the on-the-move viewing, editing and updating of your online catalogue or magazine, this application works on both iPhone and iPad. If you haven’t yet explored the possibilities offered by this kind of technology, a closer examination of the online brochure generator tool is called for. This is a software package that aims to make designing your own online content as stress-free an experience as you could hope for. It’s ideal for companies or individuals that want to offer others an interactive pdf experience, rather than a yawn-inducing one. It’s easy to jazz up your documents when you’ve access to a whole range of rich media, from video to HD images, flash animation to sound. Just as importantly, it’s even easier to distribute whatever content you produce to the widest possible audience. Copy it to DVD, embed it in a website, share it using social media, email it, save it onto a USB stick – take your pick!